Guide to adoption
The information on this page talks you through the adoption process of adopting a Romanian dog and how to apply for a home check, as well as advice on settling in your new family member and general do's and don'ts. Please contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have, we'll be happy to help.
Adoption application procedure
If you are interested in adopting any of our dogs, please complete the online adoption form after reading our adoption process for adopting a Romanian rescue dog. Adoption fee and home check apply.
Settling in your new family member
We all know what a pleasure it is to welcome a new dog into our homes and to give him/her a fantastic life. However, please keep in mind that a dog doesn’t know of your good intentions and will feel overwhelmed by so much attention and new people around. Please follow our advice for your new arrival and you will have a happy life with your new addition to the family.
General do's and dont's
The information on this page is to make sure your dogs will be safe when you collect them and listen to the advice our rescuer, Elena Popa, gives you as she has had many years and experience of dealing with these dogs and does understand them. Please don’t think you know better - a new dog in your home, such an important member, has many needs but the most important one is safety.